Responsible Beverage Service Training Program Server Instructions
- Registration
- Go to the RBS Portal
- Click Register Button
- Enter valid email
- Create Password
- Validate Password
- Enter Legal First and Last Name
- Click Register
- Go to Email Account
- Find Registration email
- Click link to login into RBS Portal
- Find Registration email
- Server Application
- Go to the RBS Portal
- Click Log In Button
- Enter email and password used to create your account
- Select Server Application
- Complete information required in Server Application
- Pay $3.00 registration fee
- Attest and Submit Server Application
- Navigate to Server Dashboard
- Input RBS ID number into ABC Server Training
- Take Alcohol Server Certification Exam
- Once Server has completed training, their training provider will grant them access to the alcohol server certification exam
- Receive email notification confirming exam access
- Log in to RBS Portal
- Go to Server Dashboard
- Click Take Exam Button
- Server is taken to Exam
- Server select exam language (English or Spanish)
- Server takes exam
- Exam is open-note, open-book
- The server has 3 attempts to pass the exam with 70% pass rate.
- Once Server has completed training, their training provider will grant them access to the alcohol server certification exam
**Please note: To unlock your RBS Exam on the ABC website, you will need to ensure you are giving the training provider your correct server ID.
There are two ways you can locate your server ID number. The first is by way of the registration message that was sent via the RBS Portal. To access the message, click on the envelope icon, the message will be titled Enrollment Registration Completed.
The second way you can view your Server ID number is on your Server Dashboard; it will be in the first box with your Server Details.