Serving alcohol in Florida requires individuals to complete specific alcohol server courses to ensure responsible alcohol service practices. Whether you’re a bartender, server, or manager, understanding the alcohol server courses your staff need to take is crucial. Here’s a breakdown of the main courses required to serve alcohol in Florida:

1. Responsible Vendor Program (RVP) Training:
- The Responsible Vendor Program (RVP) in Florida is designed to educate alcohol servers and sellers about responsible alcohol service practices. It covers topics such as Florida alcohol laws, checking identification, and preventing intoxication.
2. Alcohol Server Certification:
- Alcohol server certification is required for all individuals who serve or sell alcohol in Florida. This certification can be obtained by completing an approved alcohol server training course.
3. Types of Alcohol Server Training Courses:
- Florida offers several approved alcohol server training courses, including:
- Florida Responsible Vendor Program (FRVP) Training: This course is designed for alcohol servers and sellers and covers the basics of responsible alcohol service.
- Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Servers Education and Training (BASSET): This course is similar to the FRVP training and is designed to educate servers and sellers about responsible alcohol service practices.
4. How to Obtain Alcohol Server Certification:
- To obtain alcohol server certification in Florida, individuals must complete an approved alcohol server training course and pass an exam. The exam typically covers topics such as Florida alcohol laws, checking identification, and preventing intoxication.
5. Renewal of Alcohol Server Certification:
- Alcohol server certification in Florida is valid for a specific period, typically ranging from 1 to 3 years. To renew their certification, individuals must complete a refresher course and pass the exam again.
6. Additional Requirements:
- In addition to alcohol server certification, some establishments in Florida may require employees to complete specific training programs, such as food safety training or customer service training.
By ensuring that your staff completes the required alcohol server courses, you can help promote responsible alcohol service practices and ensure compliance with Florida alcohol laws. These courses provide valuable knowledge and skills that can help your staff serve alcohol responsibly and safely.